To serve as the nodal branch for the following: Organizing pre-service course for elementary school teachers and to provide academic inputs into such course is the subjects represented in the Branch. Propagation of learner centered education and education for personality development through training, extension, preparation of suitable teaching aids, action researches etc. All general matters concerning teaching methodology and specific matters concerning teaching methodology of the school NFE subjects represented in the Branch. Provision of Psychological Counseling and guidance services to schools and NFE/AE centers of the district. To provide inputs into programmes/activities of all other branches of the Institute, to the extent of subjects/areas represented/handled in the Branch. Maintenance of science Lab, Psychology equipment, Resource Room for Education of Disabled children, Rooms for Art education, and equipments and facilities for sports and Physical Education.
Work Experience (WE)
To identify locally relevant WE areas and incorporation with concerned nodal branches, to develop sample curricular units, teaching learning material, low cost teaching aids and evaluation tools/techniques in such areas. To help educational authorities and elementary schools/NFE/AE centers in planned introduction of Work Experience activities in such schools/centres. As backup to (2) above, to conduct appropriate in-service programmes for teachers in the areas of WE. To organize community service activities study and visits to work centers as part of training programmes, and to promote such activities on extra curricular basis. To maintain Workshop/Farm/Garden as a part of WE activities.
District Resource Unit (DRU)
To assist educational authorities in planning and coordination of training programmes for AE/NFE personal throughout the district and to provide necessary support to such programmes organized outside the DIET. To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficiency of training programmes for NFE/AE personnel held in and outside the DIET and to strive for their continuous improvement. To undertake field interaction work vis-à-vis the AE?NFE projects and centres in the district and to act as the referral unit or academic problems thrown up by the field in the areas of AE/NFE. To undertake action research in all areas relevant for making NFE/AE more effective-in collaboration with other branches, to the extent necessary.
To assist educational authorities in planning and coordination of in-service education programmes for elementary teachers throughout the district, and to plan and coordinate such programmes held in the DIET, the Branch would…. Identify training needs of elementary teachers in the district, and prepare a perspective plan for meeting such needs. To Prepare an annual calendar of all programmes to be held outside the DIET. Help concerned authorities in preparing an annual calendar of in-service programmes to be held outside the DIET. To maintain data base of all persons, except NFE/AE personnel, who undergo training at the institute and to organize follow-up activities pursuant to such training, through correspondence, visits, transmission of printed materials. To serve as a reference and resource centres for teachers who wish to continue their education.
Curriculum, Material Development and Evaluation (CMDE)
To adopt existing items & develop new items for elementary education and elementary teacher education programmes. Teaching learning for general as well as locally developed curricular units- especially primers for classes I and II in tribal languages in districts having substantial tribal population.